Live long and prosper?

Okay, maybe not. But T’s so accustomed to telling people to “Drive safely” when they’re heading out, that he decided there had to be an analogue for when he’s leaving and they’re staying. So he now wishes people a hearty “Live safely!” as he’s heading out the door.

He just went out to play in the backyard, with “live safely” ringing behind as he shut the sliding door. When he’s not driving me absolutely nuts, as when he woke up at 4 am and didn’t go back to sleep this morning, he’s completely adorable and very, very funny.

About tara

Off-the-grid living, homeschooling mom with a predilection for <a href="">organic fabrics</a>, cooking from scratch, and natural living. I share my 40-acre paradise with one husband, two sons, one dog, 20-some chickens, and some ridiculous number of rabbits, rats, mice, and rattlesnakes.
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