Author Archives: tara

About tara

Off-the-grid living, homeschooling mom with a predilection for <a href="">organic fabrics</a>, cooking from scratch, and natural living. I share my 40-acre paradise with one husband, two sons, one dog, 20-some chickens, and some ridiculous number of rabbits, rats, mice, and rattlesnakes.

5-yo T and more plans for the future …

“When I marry, then I’ll have children. My wife will nurse them, and I’ll go to the dump.” It’s good to set those expectations early.

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N, on his dad’s GorillaPod

“It’s just like a spider that lost five legs.” Uh, yeah, kid. JUST like. (For the uninitiated, these are GorillaPods.)

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You did pretty good…

N to me tonight while cuddling in bed: You did pretty good for someone who has a headache, or is insane and lives in an asylum.

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In the middle of a fight, at the top of their lungs.

N to T: NO WAY, JOSE.  Go jump off a duck.T to N:  That’s silly, what you just said.  And where is that duck anyway?N to T:  It’s invisible.  That’s why you can’t see it.  Go jump off it. Powered … Continue reading

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Enjoying life

N: What would be the fun of being alive if you couldn’t be obnoxious at least once a year? Powered by ScribeFire.

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Peter: You can be polite, you know.T: Woopsies, I forgot about that. Powered by ScribeFire.

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I’ll bet he’s not an alligator, either.

T: See you soon, you big baboon! Me: You’re the baboon. T: No! Baboons have red bottoms. Actually they’re naked.

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A good grasp on history.

N, to me, holding a piece of hemp/silk charmeuse:  If you could go back in time and you brought along some of this silk, then you could sell it for a lot of money.  You’d be rich.  That is, if … Continue reading

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The things we overhear…

5-y-o T:  N, are you gonna die?  Are you gonna die? 8-y-o N: I don’t know.  But I know that you’re stuck to me. T: And I can’t get away!  Ha ha ha ha! (later) T: N, will you please … Continue reading

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So that’s how it works!

N, running down the stairs chasing his brother: I’m combining technology with magic! Beep Beep Abracadabra! Beep Beep Abracadabra!

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