Author Archives: tara

About tara

Off-the-grid living, homeschooling mom with a predilection for <a href="">organic fabrics</a>, cooking from scratch, and natural living. I share my 40-acre paradise with one husband, two sons, one dog, 20-some chickens, and some ridiculous number of rabbits, rats, mice, and rattlesnakes.

This is how the English language evolves…

We were going to the kids’ viola/in recital this weekend, and I told T that I loved the building it was going to be in (a 1911 theater, the Scottish Rite Center) — especially the ceiling, which has star-shaped lights … Continue reading

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It always works for their music teacher…

So T wasn’t thrilled about practicing the viola this morning, and was stomping around, grumbling, and in other ways expressing this lack of excitement. Remembering one way his teacher diffuses his bad moods, we sent him out of the room … Continue reading

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Not necessarily an early adopter.

T, playing with his dad’s iPhone:  Too bad this doesn’t come with a stylish. (he means stylus, of course)

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Why do I think he might change his mind about this over the next several years?

Just out of the shower, I stopped to give N (9, almost 10) a kiss.  He jumped away and said “Ewww!  I don’t like being touched by naked women!”

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Peter:  Wasn’t it nice to have a good breakfast? T:  I’d rather have a hovercraft.

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Is this the proof we’ve been looking for all along?

T, sitting on the toilet:  It sorta feels like my head gets smaller when I go poop. What could that mean except that his head resides up his butt?

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Violent? My kids? Never!

So they’re upstairs retelling the story of the Minotaur, in which Theseus kills the Minotaur and then sails home triumphant.  But since in his glee he forgets to change the color of the sails on his ship before setting sail … Continue reading

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From the mouths of babes… (Okay, really 9-year-olds)

Me, to Peter: You’re SO funny.Peter, to N: You see, N, she thinks I’m funny.Me, to N: What he neglected to mention is that that was SARCASM.N, to both of us: I think you two shouldn’t play with sarcasm. Sarcasm … Continue reading

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And it started out so well…

T (holding a bar of paper-wrapped soap): “Here, smell this, then think of something that’s stinky. Something that animals do.”Me: “Okay ….”T: “There’s some of that by the front door on the rug.”

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A nascent interest in fashion?

Getting ready for the farmer’s market, I pull out my clothes. T, 5 years old, looks at me and excitedly says, “Are you going to wear a skirt?” “Yes, why?” I say, somewhat afraid that he will come out with … Continue reading

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